Using Eye/Gaze Tracking (With Narrator) to Improve Reading Ease, Speed, and Comprehension


This bachelors project covers eye tracking and how it can be used as a interface with a Text-to-Speech narration, the end goal being providing assistance to those who struggle with reading this could be people with reading learning disorders such as dyslexia.

Most estimates of people with reading learning disorders are between 5-20% accounting for a substantial amount of people that struggle with reading and with how integrated reading is in our societies it makes sense to try and develop assistance for those that struggle.

The project goes into detail about how the different technologies can interface to increase interactability of narration software especially during narration.

The results being that the sample size and bias within the data results in data of to little quality to prove anything regarding the hypothesis.

This exact field of research is not directly being explored, though the different aspects are. In the end this project tries to unify and explore a lot of ideas and cannot reach any resolution.